I like to think of things that make me smile, then bundle up those smiles into silly, semi-violent, cartoon-shaped packages, and then give them to people over the internet! SMILES FOR ALL!!!

Kyle Sullivan @WhiteLightning

Age 32, Male


Austin, Texas

Joined on 11/27/07

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796 / 900
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WhiteLightning's News

Posted by WhiteLightning - October 22nd, 2012

Greetings, Awesome Fans!

After many months of preparation, we have finally launched the Kickstarter page for our webseries, The Guards Themselves! It's a comedy mockumentary about real-world supervillains, minus the super part.

A Quick Synopsis

In a city where an elite group of selfish and wealthy individuals secretly have absolute influence over its citizens, local anarchists have organized themselves into a single force with the goal of sabotaging the corrupt corporate figureheads.

When their headquarters are raided by the police and most of their ranks arrested, the five remaining anarchists must regroup, rebuild, and retaliate against those who are hunting them down while continuing their original goal of returning power to the people of the city.


We have exactly four weeks to earn $3,500 (which is actually a pretty low goal for a Kickstarter project). If you'd like to help, you can check out the page here to donate and/or share it. Spreading it around is just as important as giving money, if not more so, so any help at all is greatly appreciated!

Oh, by the way, if you do donate, you can get awesome stuff in return, so head on over there.


In other news, I'm working as quickly as I can on A Fable III Experience in a last, desperate attempt to boost web traffic to the Kickstarter page. One of our crew members, Ethan, is helping out by animating the mouths for me, and our musician, JP, is already working on the music. If all goes well, I'll hopefully have it finished in three weeks.

Thanks in advance for all of your help! We need every little boost we can get.

The best of days to you all,

- Kyle

Posted by WhiteLightning - September 24th, 2012

UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I hate animating... animating sucks. Don't ever do it. Know why everyone on this site is a miserable sociopath? Because animating, that's why.

Anyway, I put up a countdown to the release of A Fable III Experience here, because apparently I just love being wrong. I've already had to extend it one week, but hopefully that'll be the last time. I've caught a few lucky breaks, like the video turning out 6 minutes shorter than I expected and having a friend to animate the mouths for me while I work on other things.

I have all the dialogue in its place, right along side a full animatic. With some help from Jazza, I was able to solve a couple of stupid Flash problems early on, so I don't have those to worry about anymore. I've also been allowed to use the beta of Swivel, Newgrounds's special flash to video converter, so the finished product should even look great on Youtube. Right now, I'm still in the artwork stage, drawing all of the backgrounds and enough of the characters to get started moving them, which is A LOT.

What I'd love to do is have an online "launch party" of sorts, which I can at least say will be a Wednesday at midnight, eastern american time. Basically, I'll just be streaming myself from my site here as I upload the video, but then we can all share in the joyous occasion of me never having to animate Fable-related things again! You can follow my facebook page to get a sufficiently early notice on when I'll be releasing it.

Anyway, that's all for now. The current date is October 10th, so hopefully I'll see you all then!

The best of days to you all,
- Kyle

Fable III Experience Progress

Posted by WhiteLightning - August 5th, 2012

Greetings everyone! Many exciting things are happening, probably RIGHT AS YOU'RE READING THIS SENTENCE!! Actually, probably not, but at some point before or after, they will be! Let's get right to the list, shall we?

Firstly, voice recording for A Fable III Experience is practically done! The final count is TEN cast members, which is far greater than my usual cast list, which is me. Some of the actors are Newgrounds stars and others are just now making their debut, but all of the performances are fantastic, and I can't wait to start animating! Which is a thing that I will indeed be doing soon, because...

Our Kickstarter page is ready to go! The only thing missing is a video, but we still aren't going to launch the project until FIIIE is done. That way we can use the near-guaranteed success of Rodriguez ElCazorro to funnel views into the Kickstarter project. Thankfully, you can still see the page even though you can't donate yet, so click here to read up on it!

(EDIT: Turns out, because our Kickstarter project is also my senior project for film school, I have to publish that and, consequently, A Fable III Experience by October!)

In between our bigger projects, we're also putting great effort into releasing short videos much more consistently. Right now, this only includes live-action shorts, but once I have Fable out of the way, I'll try to toss in some more animations as well. We're also setting our podcast aside for a bit so that we can concentrate more on videos and also because I don't think anyone really cares all that much at the moment.

Here's one of those short videos now:

Anyway, that's pretty much it for this update, so check back next month for more! The best of days to you all!

Posted by WhiteLightning - June 11th, 2012


I'm currently finishing up the last week of my current school quarter, which means cramming in a whole bunch of miniature projects which mostly will not be seen by any of you any time soon. But in between these projects, rather than my usual absolutely nothing, I've managed to squeeze in prep time for A Fable III Experience, which I've prioritized only mostly because I need a boost for my Kickstarter project later this summer!

I played through the entire game, wrote and edited the entire 16-page script, and collected an amazing cast from right here on Newgrounds! They're currently recording their lines as I finish up my half-useful other stuff, and then I can start animating. Here's a list of the current cast and their roles:

WhiteLightning: Rodriguez ElCazorro, Jon
RicePirate: Jasper/John Cleese
JAZZA: Reaver
RandomStar: King Logan
LiquidSpiral: Prince
DonkeysBazooka: The Crawler

I actually still need a couple more specific voices, and I'll be posting more info in the forums most likely by Friday. I hope it all turns out as awesome as it looks like it will, which is SUPER AWESOME.

The best of days to you all,
- Kyle

A Fable III Experience

Posted by WhiteLightning - May 14th, 2012

Hello everybody!

Sorry for being so late with this update - I had to spend a full couple of weeks catching up on school things after my Pico Day trip and then a far-less-exciting trip to a far-less-exciting place the following weekend. But now that I've got everything in order, I went ahead and put together some Pico Day afterthoughts in both video and podcast form! Both can be accessed at the bottom of this post.

I'm gonna try to get moving on my stack of scripts now, and hopefully have a new animated short on here pretty soon. I'm also recording lines for a Skyrim mod that, in exchange, features Rodriguez ElCazorro as a companion character, also voiced by me :D Hopefully I can make some contributions to other peoples' Newground work as well - if I met you at Pico Day and you want some help with a project, let me know! Or, if I have no idea who the heck you are and you want to give it a shot anyway, go right ahead!

EDIT: I mentioned this in the previous post, but my friend has a week left to get her film project funded, and for anyone who donates at least $25, I'll find a voice for you to do in one of my cartoons!

The best of days to you all,

For a full review of the day's events, listen to the latest episode of our podcast, here!

Also, I made a pretty picture :3

Posted by WhiteLightning - April 26th, 2012

Well, I successfully wrapped up all my school work, and I leave for Philadelphia tomorrow!! How do I manage a spontaneous vacation when I'm still in college worrying about things like school work? My dad is awesome, that's how. I'll be bringing my recently resuscitated Flip video camera (if you own a Flip, you'll know that "recently resuscitated" is a perpetual state), and I'll post up a video of the trip when I get back!

In other news, Ian finishes his... second? Maybe third... year at Baylor, and will be back in Austin, so we can work on more stuff. I actually have a stack of scripts written up (seriously, it's like four complete video ideas), but I just haven't found the time to get started on any of them. I'll be sure to make time after this trip, though, and get started on at least one of 'em (oh, wait, five. Just remembered another one).

Then there's my senior project film that we'll be starting this fall, and we're gonna have a Kickstarter page up soon. It'll be about an hour long, and we need some costumes and things. We'll be posting a lot more about that in a few months, but I want to go ahead and get the word out now. You have been warned.

For now, here's our latest podcast episode.

I still can't believe I actually get to go to Newgrounds. Just last year I was seeing other people's photos on Facebook and thinking, "maybe I'll get to do that someday." I sure didn't think it would be so soon! I get to meet Jazza in real life, which is still a weird sentence no matter how long the internet has been around, and I'll probably have an interesting conversation with RicePirate, since he was my hate target for a few months...

Anyway, thanks to everyone for supporting my videos so much! I try hard, so it's nice to know I'm doing something right!

EDIT: My friend has a short film that she's trying to get funded, and she only needs $1000! Click here to donate a little piece, get stuff for it, and feel good about yourself, you lazy bum! As an added incentive, anyone who donates $25 gets to do a voice in one of my videos.

The best of days to you all,


Posted by WhiteLightning - March 20th, 2012


Guess what??? I get to attend the Pico Day party at the Newgrounds office this year!! *This smiley is too happy to display properly on your monitor*

...that's pretty much it on that subject. I'm excited.


So I've started a few fun, big projects: one is the new Yoda's Christmas. I've finished writing the final version of the script, and just began casting and sketching out the new characters and locations for reference. The more I work on it for the second time, the more I realize just how odd of an idea it is. It's technically a Star Wars parody, but other than sharing visual similarities, the characters and themes really show no resemblance to any of the established laws or personalities of the Star Wars universe. In fact, I think it almost falls into the fan fiction category. It's purely my imagination at age 13, as edited by my imagination at age 19.

Plus, I'm collecting several different voice actors for once. Several of them are members of the White Lightning HQ crew, who now have their own Newgrounds pages!

- Reid (AEONofHades)
- Ian (SirSnifty)
- Ricky (Alsosteve)
- Ethan (Chedderwolf)
- JP (Ruptured-Reality)


I've also finally strung together all the loose ends of the Last Ditch Grenades plot into a complete story, and I'm so excited about it! I'm writing up the story outline now, which is the last step before writing the actual script! I've never been so close to writing the final version of such an awesome idea (for those who haven't been following, this isn't just another comedy sketch; it's a super complex animated mini-series). More on that to come.


Lastly, we've shortened the White Noise episodes to 30 minutes each, making them much more manageable for you and much more frequent in terms of release, since we can record several in one sitting. Here are our latest few episodes:

- Episode 17: Paraplego
- Episode 18: Great Works of Literature
- Episode 19: All's Fair in Games and War
- Episode 20: Turkish Star Wars and Goggle Dragons

Anyway, guess that's it for now. Until next time, the best of days to you all!


Posted by WhiteLightning - February 4th, 2012

My fondest farewells to the Newgrounds layout I know and love...you've been good to me. I guess it has to regenerate sometime though, right? I don't really want it to go, but maybe the next one will be even cooler with flashier graphics.

I'm going through a transition phase myself, website included. The design is already lookin' pretty snazzy, and I can't wait to get started. I also just got a 1.5 Terabyte hard drive because I'm actually out of space on the near Terabyte I already had :| For those interested, I'm gonna commit to updating my webcomic weekly once I have a home for it on my own site; it's the very least I can do. As for videos, I have another new one! That makes three in about a month. Not bad.

In less-than-awesome news, there is now a Youtube channel under the name...you're not going to believe this...whitelightningkyle. Yep. Only I can suffer from that amount of evil, evil irony. To make it worse, he does and is everything that I hate about the internet...vlogs, letsplays, vulgarity, you name it. AND he has waaaaay more subscribers than me, and the channel's been around for six months.

Anyway, I'd like to make it clear that I am IN NO WAY suggesting that anyone search this guy's channel name on Youtube, scroll until you find my videos because I included his name as a tag in all of them, and click on them to make them move up the list.

Also, thanks to everyone for spreading around No Service so much! I still can't believe how well that's done and how many more fans it got me in a single sweep. I feel very fortunate :)

The best of days to you all,
-Kyle Sullivan

Posted by WhiteLightning - January 23rd, 2012

I'm so happy! I finished two cartoons within a month of each other! Maybe I can keep the trend up this year. I'm waaaaaay too picky about little details in my videos, so even little ones always take me forever...

Unfortunately, I'm currently wrestling with the ever-present getting-my-recently-finished-flash-car toon-onto-Youtube issue. I've tried software after software for converting the files, and finally even purchased one that I like (Moyea SWF to MPEG converter), and that one has just kind of stopped working properly. I want my money back so I can buy Sothink's SWF to Video software, which works, but I've only managed to use trials so far.

Anyway, I'll force it into submission eventually. Not sure what I'll work on yet. Though even if I did, my New Year's Resolution dictates that I don't tell you. But it will be something, and it will be grand.

The best of days to you all,
-Kyle Sullivan

(P.S. Episode 16 of White Noise {a podcast})

(P.P.S. I also have a webcomic now :D )

Nevermind, here it is :P

Posted by WhiteLightning - December 20th, 2011

Hello, Newgrounds!

Well, I finished the year with nine (maybe one more :D ) videos total, two more than last year. Still beating my record, though not as much as I wish. Hope everyone enjoys the Fable III Experience teaser, even though its short. I've got plenty of stuff to make for next year, and we're going to go over it and schedule each thing before hand so I can focus and churn stuff out. Maybe I won't spend eight months on anything and have my first early-year animations.

I do really want to get more out, because the difference I've noticed between successful video makers and me isn't actually the quality of work, but the amount of it (past a certain point, of course. A lot of crap is still crap). So, if you'll urge me on, I'll try harder to get more stuff out. For you podcast listeners, I have episode 15 completed, and will post it here soon.

So, with that, I wish to everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year regardless of preferred winter-time celebration!


EDIT: Here's Episode 15, most likely the last of the year. Enjoy!