I dunno, I like whitelighting... but maybe it's just cuz it reminds me of my year in London and drinking cider at Marble Arch while getting my ass kicked in soccer (FOOTBALL) by some ten year old kids.
I suppose if you really had to change it, to pick something that has a strong connection to your interests or your past, combine them, and hope it doesn't like a shitty emo band.
Omg, you got jazza to be in your flash? O Em effing jee.
In seriousness I understand your name changing desire, I picked mine when I was 11 and as it turns out became a business name... If only I could go back in time and kick my pre pubescent self in the undecended testicles.
WhiteLightning (Updated )
Well, I think yours still turned out alright :) At least it's a little more recognizable. But jeez, eleven? That is a long time for one name.