I've got a good start on my next video, "The Library." For those who don't know, it was a skit performed by Jason Steele (Charlie the Unicorn) and Robert Benfer (Klay World Series) on episode 11 of Knoxkast Radio before they tragically stopped being produced.
Anyway, I have plenty of original ideas to work on as well, but I want a decent mic first. I found one, but don't yet have the money. So I thought I'd just take readily available audio and practice my animation skillz with that. Basically, it's a fifteen minute video about a guy who gets misteriously trapped inside a library with no exit and a crazy guy who calls himself "Juicebox."
Anyway, hopefully it will be out soon. I'm also working on my new site at the same time, so we'll see. Until then, here's a quick screenshot of "Mango" and "Juicebox."
Looks cool. Can't wait to see TISTF!