Hey guys, I need your opinion on something. I'm hoping to finish my Christmas cartoon by Friday before I leave for NYC, and won't be back until late Christmas Eve night. If I finish it, then...well, nothing to worry about. If not...that's where the opinions come in. Do you guys think I should continue and release it late as-is (Yoda's Christmas was released in August, after all), change it a bit to just be a "winter" themed cartoon, or the less desirable options, save it until next year or just give it up?
Anyway, hope to see what you think, but I hope more for it not to matter because I finish on time anyway. Wish me luck, and Happy Various Christmastime Holidays!
-Kyle Sullivan (White Lightning)
EDIT: So, I have six responses, and, no matter what computer I use, can't see any of them...I'd ask for your suggestions, but...you know.
EDIT: Well, there you go, problem solved! All released and snifty like. Hope you all enjoy, I hate that I won't be able to monitor the video's progress for the next week, but I'm off to NYC tomorrow, WOO!
I can't see any of the comments! Is it just messing up for me, or everyone else?