Hello Newgrounds people! I've been gone a while, so I wanted to update you on what's happening in the next few weeks.
First off, I'm finally starting to animate my new cartoon, "Captain Spectacular's Final Stand," so that should released in probably about two weeks. I think it'll be a great cartoon, and it even features Jazza as the ship's first mate (is that what you call it for a space ship?)! I will also be releasing a new live-action short series on Youtube titled "Philosophies of a Cool Guy."
The biggest project is actually the changing of my internet name. I selected White Lightning in sixth grade when I didn't know any better. I now am constantly reminded that it is one of the most unoriginal names you could have, and so I'm setting off to change it to something more memorable before I get too far down the road (since most of you only starting knowing I existed last August.) Any opinions on this are encouraged.
In the meantime, please enjoy White Noise Episode 5: New and Improved (direct download), as well as this conceptual trailer for a live-action feature film that I've pitched to an investor.
Have a snifty day,
-Kyle Sullivan
Omg, you got jazza to be in your flash? O Em effing jee.
In seriousness I understand your name changing desire, I picked mine when I was 11 and as it turns out became a business name... If only I could go back in time and kick my pre pubescent self in the undecended testicles.
WhiteLightning (Updated )
Well, I think yours still turned out alright :) At least it's a little more recognizable. But jeez, eleven? That is a long time for one name.