Hey everybody!
It seems like we haven't been doing too much, but we've actually been pretty busy off of Newgrounds. So here's a new update:
The current next cartoon to be released is the first Last Ditch Grenades promotional video (you can find concept art on my profile), followed by Captain Spectacular. Off-site I have been upgrading my own website, making a LiveStream, making a Twitter, and coming up with loads of new live action ideas. We're all getting together regularly now to write and shoot videos for Youtube, so if you haven't yet, you should subscribe.
To see future projects in detail, you can visit our projects page. Thanks to everyone for being patient, I promise to have something new here soon.
For now, here's the new episode of White Noise, which you can comment on at the blog, and our newest video, Philosophies of a Cool Guy #1
A great day to all,
-Kyle Sullivan
(I've also decided upon White Lightning HQ (already the name of my site) as a name modification. It will represent me and the crew as a group rather than just myself. This is our snifty new logo.)